References are to rule numbers (for example, 27.3), appendices and their rule numbers (for example, C or E3.10), and sections of the book (for example, Introduction, Race Signals). Italics indicate words that appear in Definitions. Appendices K, L and M are not indexed except for their titles.

Abandon: Race Signals, 27.3, 32.1, 35, 89.3(a), E3.10, J2.2(36), Postpone, Racing

abandoned race and disqualification: 30.3, B3.3(b)

abandoned race and penalties: 30.2, 30.3

abandoned race and redress: 64.2

acceptance of the rules: 3

advantage gained by breaking rule: 44.1, C6.5(b), C8.3(a), D2.2(d), D3.1(b), D3.1(c)(1)

advantage gained by touching mark: 31.2

Advertising Code, ISAF Regulation 20: Introduction, 76.1, 79, 86.1(a), J1.2(2), J2.2(1), Rule

aground: 21, 42.3(g), E4.2(b)(1), E5.5(a)

allegations of gross misconduct: 69

allege, alleged, allegation of: 5, Part 2 preamble, 60.1(a), 69, E5.1, E5.7, Protest

alternative system, scoring: B8.3(a)

anchor, anchored, anchoring: 21, 45

anchor line of mark: 18.1(a), 19.2

Anti-Doping Code, ISAF Regulation 21: Introduction, 5, 86.1(a), Rule

appeal, intent to (measurement): 64.3(c)

appeal, no right of, no request for: 70.4, B7.7, C9.1, D2.4(c), J1.2(12), J2.2(32)

appeal, right of: 70.1, N1.7

appeal, withdrawing: F6

appeal decisions: 71

appeals procedures: 3(b), 70.5, F

appendix, changes to, no changes to: 86.1(a), G5, F, H, N preambles

arm signal: C2.7

avoid, avoiding contact: 14, 18.3(a), 19.1, 21, E2, Keep Clear, Obstruction

Backing a sail: 20.3

bail out: 45

ballast, movable: 51

banned substances and methods: 5

beach start: B1.1, B3.2(c)

beat to windward: 17.2, 18.1(b), 42.3(c), D1.1(a)

black flag rule: Race Signals, 26, 30.3

boat owner: 2, 3, 69.1(c), 69.2(c), 78.1, G1.1(c), J1.2(6)

Bonus Point System: 89.3, A4, A4.1

boom: 50.3(a)(b)

bowsprit: 50.3(a)

breach, gross: 69.1, 69.2(a), P2.3

breach of, breaking rule: Sportsmanship and the Rules, 5, Part 2 preamble, 43.1(c), 60.3(a)(2), 64.1(c), 68, 71.3, B6.3(d), C8.4, C10.4(b), P2, Protest (See also advantage gained by, retire)

breaking rule, failure to take penalty: D2.2(a), D2.2(d)(1)

breaking rule, no advantage gained by: C6.6(b)

breaking rule, starting penalty: 30.2, 30.3

breaking rule against boat in other match: C10.4(b)

breaking rule and restarted or resailed races: 36

breaking rule 42, immediate penalties: 67, P

breaking rule 14 (See rule 14)

breaking rule of Part 2: 44, 60.1(a), 62.1(b), E4.4

breaking rule of Part 2, 3 or 4: 63.3(a), E5.1, E5.7

breakdowns: D5

Call Book for Match Racing for 2005–2008: Introduction

Call Book for Team Racing for 2005–2008: Introduction

capsize, capsized: 21, B1.1, B1.2, B3.1(c), B3.1(e), D5.3, E2

Case Book for 2005–2008: Introduction

certificate (See measurement, rating, boat certificate)

change, changing course (See course, change of)

changes to prescriptions (See prescriptions)

changes to rules (See rules, changes to)

changes to sailing instructions (See sailing instructions, changes to)

changing leg of course: 33

class, international: 76.2, G1

class association: 76.2, 88.1(d), G1.1(c), G2

class flag: Race Signals, 26, B3.2(b), J2.1(6)

class insignia: 77, B2.4(a)(b), E6(a)(d), E6(e)(1), G1.1(a), G1.3, G1.3(a)(b), G2

class rules: Introduction, 49.2, 78, 86.1(c), Rule

class rules, changes to: J1.2(9), J2.2(7)

class rules, clothing and equipment: 43.1(b)

class rules, measurement protests: 64.3(a)

clear ahead and clear astern: 12, 17.1, 17.2, 18.2(b)(c), 18.5, B1.2, B4.1(c), C2.3, C2.6, D1.1(b)

close-hauled course: 13, 18.3(a), 19.1, 42.3(d), C2.4, C7.2(a)(1), C7.3(a)

clothing and equipment: 43, H

Codes, ISAF (See ISAF Codes)

collision: 41(c), 42.3(g)

compass bearing: 33(1)

conduct of a race: 25–36, 85, 89.1, B3.3, E3, N2.3(b)

conflicting rules (See rules, conflicting)

contact: 14, D1.2(a), D2.2(d)(1), E3.1, Keep Clear

costs, measurement protest: 64.3(d)

course: Finish, Keep Clear, Obstruction, Proper Course

course, change of by boat: 16, 18.2(d), 19.1, 22.2, C2.11, D1.1(e), Keep Clear, Obstruction

course, change of by race committee: Race Signals, 32, 33, E3.10

course, designating: 27.1

course, proper (See proper course)

course, sailing the: 28, 35

course area: B3.1(d) B4.3(b)

course side of starting line: 29.1, 29.2, 30.1, A11, B3.3, C3.2(a), C4.2

course signals: Race Signals, B3.2

court or tribunal: 3(c)

crew: 29.1, 30, 41(b), 41(c), 42.1, 42.3(b)(c)(g), 47.2, 49, B3.3(a), Finish, Start

crew and movement of body (See propulsion)

Damage, measurement deviation caused by: 64.3(a)

damage, serious: 44.1, 60.3(a)(1), 63.5

damage and informing protestee: 61.1(a)(3)

damage and right-of-way boat: 14(b)

damage and rule 14: C6.2(a), C6.6(c), D2, D3.1(c)(2)

damage and rule of Part 2: 62.1(b)

damage by team member: D1.2(c)

damages, financial: 68

danger: 1.1, 21, 42.3(f), 47.2

decision to race: 4

decisions, appeal of: 70.1, F

decisions, confirmation, correction of: 70.2, F1

decisions, informing of: 65.1, 65.2

decisions, reversal of: 71.2

decisions by national authority: 71.4

decisions by protest committee: 64, B4.4, C6.6, C8.4, D2.4(b), D3.1(c), E5.8, Interested Party

decisions by umpires: C6.5, C8.4, D2.2(a)(b), D2.3

Definitions, no changes to: 86.1

definitions (additional): B1, C2

diagram of incident: 65.2, F2.2(b)

disciplinary action: 62.1(d), 69.2(a)

disciplines (racing, expression, speed): B preamble, B4, B5, B6

disqualification: 2, 69.1(b)(2), 80, A11, C5.4, C7.2(f), C8.5, E5.8

disqualification, measurement: 64.3(c), 78.2

disqualification and scoring: 2, 30.3, 89.3 A4.2, A6.1, A9, B8.5(b), C10.4(b)

disqualification of party to a protest hearing: 64.1(a)

disqualification without hearing: 30.3, 67, B3.3(b), B6.3(c), P2

dry suit: 40.1

Electronic communication: D1.2(b)

eligibility, suspension of: 69.2, 69.3, N2.2(a)

Eligibility Code, ISAF Regulation 19: Introduction, 69.2, 69.3, 75.2, 86.1(a), Rule

elimination series: B5

English, use of: 89.2(b), J2.2(6)

entry and qualification: 75–80, B2.2, J1.2(5)(6)

equipment: 1.2, 42.3(g), 43, 47.1, 78.3, H, Clear Astern and Clear Ahead, Finish, Start

equipment, defective, repair, replacement: B4.4, D5.3, E4.5(c)

equipment, limitations on: 47

equipment, substitution of: N2.2(b)

equipment for increasing weight: 43.1(a)(b)(c), H1, H3

Equipment Rules of Sailing, The: J1.1(3), J2.1(2)

error by race committee, protest committee: 29.2, 32.1(a), 62.1(a), 66

evidence, new and significant: 66

evidence and redress: 64.2

evidence at hearings: 63.3(a), 63.5, 63.6, C6.6(a), D2.4(b), E5.7 (See also facts)

excluding a score: A2, A8.1, A8.2

exclusion of boat or competitor: 69.1(b)(2), 76, C6.6(c)

exclusion of witness from hearing: 63.3(a)

exoneration: 64.1(b), C8.1(b)

expression competition: B preamble, B4.1

Facts, assumed: F2.3

facts, inadequate, insufficient: D2.3(b), F5

facts, informing the parties: 65.1

facts, new: F5

facts found, finding: 63.6, 65.1, 70.1, 71.3, E5.7

facts in appeal decision: 71.3

facts in measurement protests: 64.3(b)

facts in redress: 64.2

fair play: 2

fair sailing: 2

fairness: 32.1(e), 63.7, 64.2, N2.1

fetch: 18.3, 19.2

finish: Race Signals, 28.1, 31.1, 31.2, 32.1, 35, 44.2, 44.3(a), 61.3, 89.3(a), A3, A4.1, A4.2, A5, A6.1, A9, A11, D1.1(d), D3.1(a), D3.2, Proper Course, Racing

finishing line: Race Signals, 28.1, 32.2, 33, 44.2, 44.3(a), C2.1, C3.3, E3.7, J2.1(6), Finish, Mark, Racing

finishing mark: Race Signals, 31.1, 31.2, J2.1(5), Racing

finishing times, adjustment in redress: 64.2

first reasonable opportunity: 44.3(a), 61.1(a), 61.1(a)(1), D5.1

flag, incorrect: C8.2

freestyle: B preamble

fog signals and lights: 48

footwear: 43.1(b)

four-length zone: E1.3(b)

General recall (See recall)

good manners: 69.1(a), 69.2(a)

government right-of-way rules: Part 2 preamble, 48, J2.2(3)

gross misconduct: 69, P2.3

gybe, gybing: 17.2, 18.4, 31.2, 42.2(e), 42.3(b), 44.2, 50.2, B3.1(a), C2.4, D1.1(a)

gybe, room to: 18

Hail, come within: Race Signals

hail, in protest: 61.1(a), E5.2

hail, out of radio control: E4.8

hail and arm signal: C2.7

hail and time to respond: 19.1

hail by observer: E3.1

hail by or to umpire: D2.2(a), D2.2(b)(2), D2.2(d)

hail by protest committee: P1

hail by race committee: B3.3, E3.8, E3.9

hail for room: 19.1, 19.2, C2.7(a)

hailing distance, beyond: 61.1(a)

handicap system: A3, A7, J1.1(4), J2.1(8), Rule

hauling out: 45, J2.2(26)

head to wind: 13, 18.2(c), C2.4, C7.3(a), C7.4(a), D1.1(b), Leeward and Windward

hearing: 60.3, 61.1(c), 61.2, 63, 71.3, B7.4, D2.3(b), F5, J2.2(30), N1.4, N2.1, Party

hearing, new: 71.2

hearing, not entitled to: 5, D2.2, D2.3(a)

hearing, penalty without: 30.2, 30.3, 63.1, 67, A5, B3.3(b), B6.3(c), J2.2(28), P2

hearing, reopening: 63.3(b), 66, 71.2, E5.10, F5

hearing, requirements for a: 63.1

hearing, right to be present: 63.3, E5.6

hearing, time limit: J2.2(31)

hearing and rule 42: 67

hearing by national authority: 69.2(a)

hiking harness: 40.2, 43.1(b)

hiking straps: 49.1

hull lengths, within two: 17.1, 17.2, C7.3(b), D1.1(a), Obstruction, Two-Length Zone (See also obstruction, two-length zone)

Identification on sails: 77, B2.4, B4.3(a), E6, E6(d), G

ill, illness: 41(b), 47.2, N1.5

in writing, appeal decision: 71.4

in writing, gross misconduct allegation: 69.1(a)

in writing, measurement issues: 43.1(c), 64.3(c), 78.3

in writing, protest, protest decisions: 61.2, 65.2

in writing, redress request: 62.2, B7.3

in writing, sailing instructions changes: 89.2(a)(c)

individual recall (See recall)

informing competitor, rule 42 disqualification: 67

informing competitor, rule 69 hearing: 69.1(a)

informing national authorities: 69.3

informing other boat, protest: 61.1(a), 61.1(a)(3)

informing parties to a hearing: 65.1, F4

informing protest committee: C8.4

informing protestee: 61.1, E5.2

informing race committee, 44.3(a), B7.1(a), E5.3

informing umpire: C6.4(b)

injury: 14(b) 41(b), 44.1, 47.2, 61.1(3), 62.1(b), 63.5, C6.2(a), C6.6(c), D1.2(c), D2.1(b), D2.2(a), D2.2(d)(4), D2.3(a), D2.4(a), D3.1(c)(2)

inside boat: 18, 18.2(a)(c), 18.4

inside overlap: 18.2(b), 18.3(b), 18.4, 18.5, C2.6

interested party: 60.2(a), 60.3(a), 63.4, 71.1, E1.3(a), N3.3

interfere, interfering: 22.1, 22.2, C2.9, C2.10, C9.2, D1.1(d), D2.4(c)

international class: 76.2, G1.1(c)

international event: 86.2, 89.2(b), J1.2(4), J2.2(6)

International Judge: 70.4(c), N1.2, N1.4(a)(b), N1.5, N3.2

international jury: 88.2(b), 90(b), J2.2(33), N

International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea: Part 2 preamble, 48, J2.2(3)

International Sailing Federation (See ISAF)

interpretation of measurement rules: 64.3(b)

interpretation of rules, request for: 64.3(b), 70.3, F1, F2.3

interpretation of rules, The Case Book for 2005–2008: Introduction

IRPCAS (See International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea)

ISAF: Introduction, 69.2, 70.4(c), 75.1(a)(c), 75.2, 76.1, 76.2, 79, 86.1(a), 86.2, 88.1(a)(b)(f), 88.2(b), B2.2, E6(a), G1.1(b)(c), G5, J1.2(3), J2.2(1)(2), N1.1

ISAF Codes, regulations: Introduction, 5, 69.2(a)(b)(c), 69.3, 76.1, 79, 86.1, 86.2, 88.2(b), 90(b), J1.2(2)(a), J2.2(1), J2.2(2), Rule (See also Advertising Code, Anti-Doping Code, Eligibility Code, Sailor Classification Code)

ISAF Executive Committee: 69.3

Jury: (See international jury)

Keep clear: Part 2 Section A preamble, 10–17.1, 18.2(a)(b)(c), 18.5, 20, B3.1(a), B4.1(a)(b)(c)(d), B6.1(b), B7.2, C2.4, C2.6, C2.8, D1.1(b), Obstruction

keep clear: 62.1(b), B4.4, B6.1(d), E5.5(a)

knockout series: C10.5, C11.2, C11.3(b)

Leeward boat: 11, 17.2, D1.1(a), Keep Clear, Leeward and Windward

leeward and windward: 11, 17.1, 17.2, D1.1(a), Keep Clear, Tack, Starboard or Port

life saving equipment, life-jacket, personal buoyancy: Race Signals, 1.2, 27.1, 40.1, E1.4, J2.2(13)

lifelines: 43.2, 49.2

Low Point System: 89.3(a), A4, A4.1, B8.3(a), J1.2(13)

Mainsail: 50.1, E6, G1.1, Leeward and Windward

manual power: 52

marathon race: B preamble

mark: 18, 18.1, 18.1(b), 18.2(a)(d), 18.3, 18.4, 19.2, 27.2, 28, 30.2, 31.1, 32.2, 33, C2.1, C2.6, C4.1, C7.2(c), E3.7, Finish, Two-Length Zone, Racing, Start (See also finishing mark, starting mark)

mark, gate: 32.2(c)

mark, missing, out of position: Race Signals, 32.1(d), 34

mark, moving: 27.2

mark, touching, holding: 31, 44.4(a), B3.3(b)

match racing rules: C

Match Racing, Call Book for: Introduction

measurement, rating, boat certificates: 78.1, 78.2, B2.2, J1.2(7), N2.2(a)

measurement protests, decisions: 64.3, 65.3, 78.3

measurement rule, doubt about: 64.3(b)

measurer: 43.1(c), 78.3

misconduct, gross: 69, P2.3

moving astern: 20.3, 42.2(d)

National authority: Introduction, 66, 68, 69.1(c) 69.2, 69.3, 70.1, 70.3, 70.4, 71.2, 71.3, 71.4, 75.1(a)(c), 86, 87, 88.1, 89.2(b), 90(b), F preamble, F1, F2.1, F3, F4, F5, G1.1(b)(c), G2, N1.3, N1.6, Rule

national letters: G1.1

navigable water: 18.1(a), 19.2, Mark

night signals: J2.2(3)

normal position: B3.1(e), C2.1, Clear Astern and Clear Ahead, Finish

notice board: 86.2, 89.2(c), B4.3(b), B5.3, B6.3(a), B6.3(b), B8.6(b), J2.2(11)

notice of race: 25, 63.7, 70.4, 86.2, 88.2(a), C preamble, F2.2(c), G3, J, Rule

notice of race, changing: 88.2(a)

Notice of Race Guide: K

notice to competitors: Race Signals

Observer(s): 67, B6.4(a), E1.3(a), E3.1, E3.3, P1

obstruction: 18, 18.1, 18.1(b), 18.2(a), 18.4, 18.5, 19.1, E1.3(b), E4.8, J2.2(18)

obstruction, continuing: 18.5

Offshore Racing Council: 76.2

Olympic Movement Anti-Doping Code: 5

ooching: 42.2(c)

opposite tack (See tack, opposite)

organizing authority: 62.1(a), 63.8, 69.1(e), 75.1, 76.1, 85, 86.2, 88.1, 88.2, 89.1, 90, B5.2(c), D5, J1.1(1), J2.2(8), N1.1, N2.1, N2.2, N2.3, Party

outrigger: 50.3

outside boat: 18 , 18.2(a)(b)(c)(e)

outside help: 41, B4.4, E4.2(b)

overlap, overlapped: 11, 17.1, 18.2(a)(b)(c)(e), 18.3(b), 18.4, 18.5, B1.2, C2.6, Clear Astern, Keep Clear, Leeward and Windward

overlap, broken: 18.2(b)

overlap, reasonable doubt: 18.2(e)

overlapped, not: 12, 18.2(c)

owner (See boat owner)

Party to a hearing: 60.3(a)(2), 63.2, 63.3(a)(b), 63.4, 63.6, 64.1(a), 64.3(d), 65.1, 65.2, 66, 70.1, 71.3, 71.4, C9.1, F2.2(e), N1.4(b)

penalties, immediate, for breaking rule 42: P

penalty: Sportsmanship and the Rules, 2, 3(b), 30, 31.2, 44, 64.1, 69.1(b)(2), B4.4, B6.3, C3.1, C5, C6.6, C7.2, C8, D2.1, D2.2(d), D3.1(b)(c), E3.6, E5.8, G4, P2, Finish (See also scoring penalty, starting penalty)

penalty, cancelled: C2.1, C7.2(d)(e)

penalty, informing of, reporting: 65.1, 69.1(c), 69.2(c), 69.3

penalty, limits on: 44.4, C7.3

penalty, no: Part 2 preamble, 14(b), 36, 64.3(a), C5.1, C6.6(b)(3), D1.2(a), D2.2(b)(1)

penalty, taking and completing: Sportsmanship and the Rules, C2.1, C2.2, C2.8, C2.10, C7.2, C7.4, D2.3(a)

penalty and measurement: 64.3(a)(c), 65.3

penalty and party to a hearing: 71.3

penalty and postponed, abandoned race: 30.2, 30.3, B3.3(b), P3

penalty turns: 20.2, 22.2, 31.2, 44.1, 44.2, B2.1(c), C7.2(a), D2.1(b), D2.2(c)(d), E4.4, E5.8

penalty without hearing: 30.2, 30.3, 63.1, 67, A5, P2

person in charge: 46, 78.1, 78.2 (See also boat owner)

personal buoyancy: Race Signals, 1.2, 27.1, 40.1, E1.4, J2.2(13)

port-tack boat keeping clear: 10, 16.2, B3.1(a), B4.1(a), Tack

positive buoyancy: 43.1(b)

postpone, postponed: Race Signals, 27.3, 30.2, 30.3, C3.2(b)(c), J2.2(36), P3, Racing

prescriptions: Introduction, 68, 70.4(a), 86.1(a), 87, 89.2(b), J1.2(4) J2.2(5)(6), F-H-N preambles, Rule

prescriptions, changes to: Introduction, 87

prizes: A7, C11.3(c), J1.2(14)

prohibited actions: 42.2

proper course: 17.1, 17.2, 18.1(b), 18.4, C2.2, C2.10, D1.1(a)

propulsion: 42, B2.1(a), E4.3

propulsion and penalty without hearing: 67, P2

protest: 60, 61, 63.3(a)(b), 63.7, 64.1(a), 70.3, B7.1(a)(b), B7.4, D2.1, N2.1, N3.2, P1, P2

protest, cancellation of: P3

protest, informing protestee: 61.1, E5.2

protest, measurement: 43.1(c), 64.3, 65.3, 78.3

protest, no right to, no grounds for: 5, Part 2 preamble, 60.1(a), 60.2(a), C6.2, D2.4

protest, no written: B7.1(b), C6.4(b)

protest, right to: 60, C6.1

protest, time limit (See time limit, protest)

protest, validity, invalidity of: 60.2(a), 60.3(a), 63.5, 71.2, C6.4(b), E5.4

protest, withdrawing: 63.1

protest between boats in different races: 63.8

protest by protest or race committee: Part 2 preamble, 43.1(c), 60.2(a), 60.3(a), 61.1(b)(c), 61.3, 78.3, P1

protest committee, appointment, composition, duties, rights of: 60.3, 63.6, 70.4(c), 85, 88.2(b), 90, F3, N, Abandon, Interested Party, Protest

Protest Committee, Recommendations for: M

protest committee and appeals: 70, 71

protest committee and reopened hearing: 66

protest committee and rule 42: P

protest committee and rule 69: 60.2(c), 60.3(c), 69.1

protest committee and scoring: A5

protest committee and redress: A6.2, A10, B5.4(a), C9.2

protest committee decisions (See decisions)

protest committee procedures, appeal of: 70.1

protest committee request for confirmation, correction of decision: 70.2, F1, F2.3

protest requirements, contents: 61

protestee, protestor: 61.1, 61.2, E5.2, Party (See also party to a hearing)

protests, redress, hearings, misconduct and appeals: 60–71

pumping: 42.2(a), P

Qualification to race: 70.4(a), Part 6, 75–80, B2.2, J1.2(5)(6)

Race, conduct of: 25–36

race, decision to: 4

race, entry and qualifications: 75–80

race, racing: Introduction, 4, Part 2 preamble, 22.1, 31.1, Part 4 preamble, 44.1, 61.1(a), 64.3(c), 78.2, C2.9, C4.1, C7.2(b), D2.1(b), D3.2, D5.1, E3.1, E3.2, E3.3, E4.2(a)(b), E4.5, Obstruction

race, rescheduled: 80

race committee: Introduction, Race Signals, Part 2 preamble, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 43.1(c), 44.3(a), 76.1, 80, 85, 90, B3.2(c)(2), B3.3(a)(b), B4.3(c), B5, B6, B7.1, B8.6, C3.2, D3.2, Abandon, Mark, Party, Protest, Racing

race committee, appointment of, responsibilities: 88.2(b), 89, J2.2(39)

race committee, intending to protest: 61.1(b)

race committee, improper action or omission by, and redress: 62.1(a)

race committee and rule 42: P3

race committee and rule 69: 60.2(c), 69.1(e)

race committee right to protest, appeal: 43.1(c), 60.2

race office, protests to: 61.3, 63.1

race officials, appointment of: 88.2(b)

race organization: 85–90

race signals: Race Signals, 25, 26, C3, E1.2, E3.5, Rule

racing, not: Part 2 preamble, 22.1, 62.1(b), 64.1(c), C2.9, E3.3, E4.2(b)(2), E5.5(a)(f)

racing area: Part 2 preamble, 61.1, E5.2, J2.2(16)

radio-controlled boat racing rules: E

radios: E4.5(c), J2.2(26)

rating certificate (See measurement, rating, boat certificates)

rating systems: A3, A7, J1.1(4), J2.1(8), Rule

reasonably possible: 14, 61.1(b), 61.1(c), C2.9, C7.2(1), C7.3(c), C7.4(b), P1

recall: Race Signals, 26, Racing

recall, general: 29.2, 30.3, B3.3(a), E3.9, J2.2(22), P3, Racing

recall, individual: 29.1, E3.8, J2.2(22)

Recommendations for Protest Committees: M

recover, recovering: B1.2, E4.5(b)

red flag (protest): 61.1(a), C5.3, C6.1, C6.4, C6.1(b), C6.4(b)

red flag, not required: 61.1(a)(2), 62.2

redress: 60, 62, 63, 64.2, 65.1, 71.2, A6.2, A10, B5.4(a), B7, C6.3, C6.4, C9, D2.4(c), D5, E5.5, E5.9, N2.1, N3.2, Party

redress, appeal: 71.2, F2.2(a)

redress, no: B5.2(c), B8.6(f), C9.1, D1.2(c), D2.4(c)

redress, time limits: 62.2

Regulation 19, ISAF (See Eligibility Code)

Regulation 20, ISAF (See Advertising Code)

Regulation 21, ISAF (See Anti-Doping Code)

Regulation 31.1.3, ISAF: 86.2

repairs: 45, E4.5(c), E5.9

representative: 61.2(d), 63.3(a), J1.2(6)

required side: 28.1, 28.2, F2.2(b)

resail, restart: 30.2, 30.3, 36, C6.6(b)(2), D5.2, J2.2(36), Abandon

rescheduled races: 30.2, 30.3, 80

responsibility, personal: 1.2, 4, E1.4

retire: Sportsmanship and the Rules, 31.2, 44.1, 44.4(b), 89.3, A4.1, A4.2, A5, A6.1, A9, A11, B7.1(a), C6.4, D3.2, E4.8, E5.4, P2.2, P2.3, Racing

review procedures: 3(b)

right of way, acquiring: 15

right of way and avoiding contact: 14

right-of-way boat: Part 2 Section A preamble, 14, 16.1, 18.2(a)(d), 18.4, B4.1

rocking, rolling: 42.2(b), 42.3(a)(b)

room: 14, 15, 16, 18, 18.2(a)(b)(c)(e), 18.3(b), 18.5, Obstruction

room, hail for: 19.1

room, not entitled to: 18.2(b)(c), 18.5

room, to tack or gybe: 18, 19, C2.7

round-an-end rule: Race Signals, 20, 30.1, Start

round-robin series: C10.4, C11

rounding a mark: 18, 28.1, C7.2(c)

rule: Sportsmanship and the Rules, 3, 36, 64.1, 65.1, 68, 69.2(a), 70.3, 71.3, 78.2, 85, 89.1, F1, F2.3, J1.1(1), J1.2(6), J2.1(1)(9), Protest, Rule

rule 42, immediate penalties for breaking: P

rule 14, breaking: C6.2, C6.6(c), D2.1(b), D2.2(d)(4), D2.3(a), D2.4(a), D3.1(c)(2)

rule interpretation, request for: 70.3, F1, F2.3

rule not mentioned in protest: 64.1(a)

rules, acceptance of the: 3

rules, breaking (See breach)

rules, changes to, revision of: Introduction, 86, B–C–D–E–F preambles, G5

rules, conflicting: Introduction, Part 2 Section C preamble, 63.7, C8.1(b)

rules, developing, testing: 86.3

rules, match racing: C

rules, no change to: 86.1(a), H preamble, N preamble

rules, radio-controlled boat racing: E

rules, team racing: D

rules, windsurfing competition: B

Safety: 1, 19.1, 32.1(e), 48, 49.2, J2.2(13)

sail, changing, reefing, setting, sheeting: 45, 50, E4.5(c)

sail identification, measurement, numbers, advertising: 77, B2.4, B4.3, E6, G

sailing instructions: Introduction, Part 2 preamble, 25, 26, 27.1, 43.1, 44.1, 44.3(c), 49.2, 61.3, 63.7, 67, 70.4, 86.1, 86.2, 89.2, 89.3, A1, A2, A4, B2.3(b), B3.1(d), B3.2, B4.3(b), B8.1, B8.6, C3.1, C10.5, D2.1(c), D2.2, D2.3, E1.2, E3.3, F preamble, F2.2(c), G1.1(b), G3, H preamble, J, N preamble, N1.4(b), N1.6, P preamble, Mark, Obstruction, Rule

sailing instructions, changes to: 89.2(c), N2.3(a)

sailing instructions, changes to prescriptions: 87

sailing instructions, rule changes: Introduction, Part 2 preamble, 86.1(b)

Sailing Instructions Guide: L

sailing the course: 28

Sailor Classification Code, ISAF: J1.2(3), J2.2(2)

same tack (See tack, same)

scoring: 35, 69.1(b)(2), 89.3, A, B3.3(a), B4.3, B5, B8, C10, D3, D4, J1.2(13), J2.1(9) (See also disqualification)

scoring abbreviations: A11

scoring excluded races: 2, 30.3, 89.3(b), A2, P2.2, P2.3

scoring penalty: 30.2, 44.1, 44.3, A4.2

scoring redress: 64.2, A6.2, A10

scoring ties: A7, A8, B8.8, C11, D4.2, D4.3

sculling: 42.2(d), 42.3(d)

seamanship: 42.1, Room

shortening the course: Race Signals, 32, 33, E3.10, J2.2(25)

signals: Race Signals, 16.2, 18.2(d), 20.1, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 40.1, 45, 47.1, 48, 89.2(c), A3, A11, B3.2(b), B3.3, B4.2, B5.3, B5.4, B5.5, B6.2, C3, C4.1, C4.2, C5, C6.4, C6.5, C7.2(f), C7.4, C8.2, C8.5, D2.2, D2.3, E1.2, E3.5, E3.9, E4.5, J2.2(3)(13)(15)(22)(24), P1, P3, Proper Course, Racing, Rule, Start

signals, absence of sound: 26, B3.2(b)

signals, arm: C2.7

signals, night: J2.2(3)

signals, oral: E3.5, E3.6

skin friction: 53

slalom racing: B preamble

speed: 42.1, 42.3(b)(e)

speed competition: B preamble

spinnaker, spinnaker pole: 50.1, 50.2, 50.3(c), 50.4, G1.1

spinnaker staysail: 54

sportsmanship: Sportsmanship and the Rules, 2, 69.1(a), 69.2(a), 86.1(a), C8.3(c), D2.2(d)(3)

stability: 51

standing rigging: 52

starboard-tack boat: 10, 16.2, B4.1(a)

start: 18.1(a), 19.2, 20.1, 28.1, 28.2, 30.1, 31.1, A4.1, B1, B3.1(e), B6.1, C3.2, E5.8

start, after signal: 20.1

start, beach: B1.1, B3.2(c)

start, before the: Race Signals, 27, 76.1, C4, E3.5

start, did not: A4.2, A5, A9, B8.5(b), C8.5, A11

start, new: 29.2, E3.9 (See also resail, restart)

starting area: Race Signals, A9, A11, B6.1(a), J2.2(13)(21)(35)

starting errors: 20

starting line: 20.1, 28.2, 29, 30, B1.1, C4.1, E3.7, Mark, Start

starting line, extensions of: 20.1, 29.1, 30.1, C3.2, Mark

starting mark: 18.1(a), 19.2, 27.2, 28.2, 31.1, C4.1

starting mark, holding: B3.3(b)

starting penalty: 27.2, 29.2, 30, A4.2

starting procedure, error in: 29.3, 32.1(a)

starting races: 26, B3.2, B4.2, C3.1, E3.5

steering: 42.2(b)(3), 42.3(a)

string representing wake (sailing the course): 28.1

substitution (competitors, boats, sails, equipment): N2.2(b)

surfing: 42.3(c)

swim: 47.2

Tack: 13, 18.1(b), 18.3, Clear Astern and Clear Ahead, Keep Clear, Leeward and Windward

tack, opposite: 10, 18.1(b), 18.3, C2.3, C2.6, Clear Astern and Clear Ahead; Overlap

tack, same: 11, 12, 17.1, 19.1, Keep Clear, Leeward and Windward

tack, room to: 18, 19, C2.7

tacking: 13

tacking and propulsion: 42.2(e), 42.3(b)

team racing rules: D

ties, scoring (See scoring ties)

time limit, appeals: F2.1

time limit, extension of: 61.3, 62.2

time limit, finish: 32.1(c), 35, 89.3, J2.1(7), J2.2(19)

time limit, protest: 44.3(a), 61.1(a)(b), 61.3, E5.3, J2.2(31), N1.4(b)

time limit, protest decision information: 65.2

time limit, reopening a hearing: 66, E5.10, F2.1

time limit, request for redress: 62.2, C6.3, E5.5(b)

time to respond: 19.1

touching, holding a mark: 31, 44.4(a), B3.3(b)

trapeze harness: 40.2, 43.1(b)

tribunal or court: 3(c)

trim: 42.1, 50.1, 51

turns (See penalty turns)

20% starting penalty: Race Signals, 30.2, 36, 63.1, A4.2, A5, A11

two-length zone: 18.2(b)(c), 18.3, C2.6, D1.1(b)

two hull lengths: 17.1, 17.2

Umpire: Introduction, 88.2(b), C preamble, C3.1, C5, C6.4, C6.5, C7.2, C7.3(d), C7.4(b)(c), C8.1(b), C8, C9.2, C9.3, D preamble, D2.2, D2.3, D2.4

Validity, invalidity of protest: 60.2(a), 60.3(a), 63.5, 71.2, C6.4(b)

validity of measurement or rating certificate: 78.1, 78.2

verification (times and speeds): B6.3(a), B6.4

visual and sound signals: Race Signals, 25

Warn, warning the competitor: 69.1(b)(1), 69.1(c) B6.3(a), C8.2, E1.5, G4

weather: 1.2, 32.1(b), E3.10

weight of clothing, equipment: 43.1, B2.1, F2.2(b), H

wet suit: 40

whisker pole: 50.2, 50.3(c)

wind: 32.1(c), 42.1, 42.2(e), 42.3(c), B2.1(a)

windsurfing competition rules: B

windward, beat to: 17.2, 18.1(b), 42.3(c), D1.1(a)

windward boat: 11, 17.1, B1.2, Keep Clear

witness: 63.3(a), 63.4, 63.6

World Anti-Doping Agency: 5

World Sailing Speed Record Council (WSSRC): B6.4

Zone (See two-length zone, four-length zone)